Friday, March 25, 2011

Where Did U Get Of Xpress Train

Motorola is preparing its own mobile operating system iPad

Perhaps the company is not entirely happy with Android or wants to diversify to explore new business opportunities. The rumor mill brings news that suggests that Motorola would be developing an operating system own mobile phone to give life to the next versions of their tablets and phones.

For this and would be hiring engineers and developers with a past - and present, even - in Apple and Adobe to create a mobile operating system, web-based work, with much emphasis on Cloud Computing and install a new standard in that integration and usability is concerned.

This makes sense if we take into account the large number of Android-based computers that have similar characteristics, and how Motorola has tried to differentiate themselves through proprietary interfaces, peripherals, providing added value to the end and even app stores exclusive, all seeking to deliver a recognizable experience that makes customers decide to switch party and get a Motorola.

After a period in which the company lost direction and was on the verge of disappearing because of their vintage designs and a multitude of mediocre operating system developed at the same time, the option to create a new operating system could cause negative and some startle to the shareholders, who recently began to see fruits of a job well developed by the team assembled by Sanjay Jha in mid-2008, and they can see in this move an unnecessary risk.

Is it a good idea, really? Let's see what Motorola leaves us. For now, and for a while more, all eggs in the basket of Android ... Or at least they advertised in the media. His commitment to Android and Google are good relationship with a high point, and now they have no plans to release anything that competes with the OS of the browser.

But that does not prevent them from developing something for later, right?


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